Friday, January 26, 2007

N.J. Warns: Don't Eat Squirrel Near Dump

Okay. I
can understand eating many varieties of food, but squirrels? The first time I heard of squirrel eating, I was teaching a public speaking course in Virginia. My students were telling tales of squirrel hunting in their backyards, which hardly sounds like a fair sport. The description of frying up a squirrel and working hard to get a little bit of squirrel meat off the tiny squirrel skeleton was just too much for my stomach to handle. Stories of solid squirrel bodies in the freezer, waiting for other critters to add to the collection before a full squirrel meal could be cooked, does not sound appetizing to me.

But wait! Now it may be too dangerous to eat squirrel in New Jersey because they are contaminated with lead. One resident, Myrtle Van Dunk commented,
"We've known for a long time something was wrong here, we just didn't know what it was." Really Myrtle? Honestly, I couldn't have said it better myself.

*If I have offended any squirrel eating folks out there, I do apologize, but hey, I'm only looking out for your health.

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