Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Officials capture pesky bear with help from bacon grease, honey bun

Ending a 200-pound bear's nightly ramblings through a subdivision required just a trap and some tempting bait: a honey bun and bacon grease.

For three nights, the bear rummaged through garbage cans, climbed on porches and tore down bird feeders in the subdivision outside Clarksburg.

Alarmed residents called the DNR, which advised them to leave the bear alone and keep their garbage inside. When that didn't work, DNR officials decided it was time to find a new home for the bear.

"It just appeared he was going to be a problem so we had to capture him," Foster said.

Foster set and baited the trap Sunday night. He said bears are known to like honey and bacon.

The DNR tagged the animal and moved him Monday morning to a more remote area.

So next time you see a bear remember to throw them bacon and honey!

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