Saturday, March 17, 2007

Now that's using your head...

Three men accused of performing illegal castrations have been sentenced to jail time in North Carolina. Prosecutors said the ring leader, ironically named Richard Peter Sciara who had worked as a physician's assistant at the VA Medical Center in Topeka, Kansas, from February 1976 to June 1999, Michael Mendez, Sciara’s partner of 20 years, and the man they called their slave, Danny Carroll Reeves, ran a sadomasochistic "dungeon" from a renovated carport at his home in a quiet neighborhood near Waynesville in the western part of the state. According to reports six men, some from as far away as South America, came to the home for castration, while others came seeking other forms of body-modification surgery.

In a plea bargain, the men plead guilty to felony castration and maiming avoiding charges of practicing medicine without a license. The 62 year old Sciara who went by the name “Master Rick”, was sentenced to one year in prison, while Reeves, 50, and Mendez, 61, received eight months and four months, respectively, along with three years of supervised probation upon release.

Superior Court Judge Dennis Winner said it was difficult to call the dungeon's willing patients "victims."

Yikes! I realize that many folks have a warped sense of pleasure, but metaphorically speaking... you’d have to have one hell of a set of balls to seek castration from an unlicensed professional who performs surgery in a garage.


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