Sunday, March 11, 2007

Tiger, orangutan babies become playmates at Indonesian zoo

When it comes to any baby animals, mostly felines, I melt down like a little girly girl. I'm one of those people who, if allowed, would own a baby tiger. Everyone says, "They're wild animals and will still have their wild instincts." Yes they will, but listen to this story.

"A pair of month-old Sumatran tiger twins have become inseparable playmates with a set of young orangutans, an unthinkable match in their natural jungle habitat in Indonesia's tropical rainforests." Sadly both we abandoned after birth by their mothers, but not to worry, they found each other for comfort. "This is unusual and would never happen in the wild," said zoo keeper Sri Suwarni, bottle-feeding a baby chimp on Wednesday. "Like human babies, they only want to play."

The four have lived side-by-side for a month without a single act of hostility, she said. Ok well, the hostility thing will definitely be short-lived, so rule out my, Gina have a tiger and hug it until it eats your head theory. I guess I will stick to petting one, even if that means losing my hand.

Go here for the story and video! -

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