Sunday, April 15, 2007

Crocodile Chomps Off Zoo Worker's Arm

When I was little I had always wanted to be a veterinarian. To this day I would still love to take care of exotic animals if given the chance so I can one day own a mountain lion...and I will. However, one species I would be afraid of handling would be crocs. I love reptiles, but not ones who see me as food.

A zoo worker had his forearm reattached Thursday, April 12th after his colleagues recovered the severed limb from the mouth of a 440-pound Nile crocodile, an official said. The croc had severed Chang Po-yu's forearm when he tried to remove a tranquilizer dart from the reptile's hide. Apparently Chang did not notice that the croc was no longer feeling the effects of the tranquilizer when he reached in to remove the dart.

Zoo officials shot a few bullets (which didn't hit the croc) to stun the reptile in order to drop Chang's forearm. Before I would reach into a cage with anything that is huge with nice sharp teeth, I would make sure that this thing was dopped up enough to not even notice me. Being a vet at a zoo has its ups and downs, and I think from now on this vet is going to be a lot more careful arounc crocodiles. Crikey...

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