Monday, April 2, 2007

Roadkill Café, No Joke

So Fergus Drennan is an environmentalist who firmly believes in living off the land. But he takes this idea to an unusual extreme – he eats roadkill. He believes that packaging for food is wasteful, understandable. He believes that transporting food pollutes the air, also reasonable. Sustain yourself through natural resources, a noble goal. But to eat something wild that has been lying on the hot pavement for a day is not understandable, reasonable, or noble. That is insanity.

I think the best part is that he teaches seminars on how to live off the land and eat dead animals you find and many scout troops have contacted him. Does he also teach them along what roads have the best kill? How to fight off the circling hawks? What if the animal is half decomposed and covered in flies? Gross.

Here is the story:

There is also a link for one of his recipes: Pan Braised Squirrels

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