Friday, April 20, 2007

High Flyin' Granny

NEW MELLE, Mo.- Emma Hanner, a 78-year old grandmother of five, suffered only minor injuries Thursday when she was forced to make an emergency her airplane.

Mrs. Hanner, who has flown a couple of times a week for nearly four decades, recently moved to Denver from North Carolina to be closer to her children and said she was ferrying the plane to her new home when "it just quit." She does however plan to have it repaired in Missouri and continue the flight, if her family will let her.

Daughter Carol Hanner said the family won't ground her, at least not yet. "We will wait for the official findings before we have that family discussion," she said.

Thankfully this woman was not critically injured in this incident; but what happened to Bridge, Canasta, or knitting as a hobby for old people? It’s scary enough when they try to drive a car…but fly a plane…?


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