Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Man Dreams Up a Phone Number, Then Marrys Girl

A man from England had a dream about a phone number. David Brown, who is 24, had dream about a phone number, so the following morning he sent a text message to the number out of curiosity to see if anyone responded. The message that he sent said, "Did I meet you last night?"

At first, the respondent was a little sketchy on the message but the two met and started dating. Michelle Kitson, age 22, can't believe that they fell in love and got married. Just as if was all a dream!

So, if you are having a hard time finding a date, pay attention to your dreams for any digits, because it may lead to your lifelong companion.

this site is at: http://www.davesdaily.com/out.php?id=26299&url=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.yahoo.com%2Fs%2Fnm%2F20070409%2Fod_nm%2Fbritain_text_dc%3B_ylt%3DAjOE76_ppsmtVwKpq05jfJMSH9EA

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