Friday, February 9, 2007

Hi, my name is Scott, errr … I mean... Peyton

Have you ever been so sure of something you were willing to bet on it? If so, how much were you willing to wager…$1, $100, laundry duties for a month? Well one die-hard Chicago Bears fan was so certain his team would win the Super Bowl, he put his name on it. So on Tuesday, Scott Wiese of Forsyth, Illinois began the process of legally changing his name to Peyton Manning.

Weise made the bet at a bar a few days before the game, going as far as to sign a pledge with witnesses and all. "I made the bet, and now I've got to keep it," said the 26-year-old. "I think I kind of represent all Bears fans," he said. "Not that I'm saying they're all idiots like me, but I represent their passion because I really care about my team, you know?"

Weise did not mention how long he intends to keep his new name.

I think that in honor of Super Bowl XLI, rather than reverting back to his birth name, he should consider changing his name to “The Idiot Formerly Known as Peyton Manning.”

1 comment:

Becca B said...

This is a great story. Missy, your blog was descriptive, humorous and concise. Good job.