Monday, February 5, 2007

Man's rage for clean underwear causes house to burn

There are many causes of household fires; people leave the stove on, or a cigarette burning, or a fireplace unattended. Sometimes a fire in the yard will get out of control and burn down the house, which was the case for Ivo Jerbic of Prikraj, who was burning old clothing. But what makes the story unusual was that he was burning his clothing out of anger. Jerbic was mad at his wife because he had no clean underwear. So mad that he threw the rest of his clothing from the window and set them on fire. The fire burned down the house and Jerbic was arrested for endangering his family though no one was hurt. In the end, Jerbic may get what he wanted and more. He may be sentenced to 8 years in jail, where he will not only have clean underwear everyday, but also cable TV.

To read the story:

1 comment:

Becca B said...

Too funny. I especially love your ending. Cable TV...